Robotboy Wiki

Protoboy's Superactive Mode. Even before Robotboy was created, Protoboy had his own Superactive mode, similar to Robotboy's Superactivation for Protoboy's only upgrade and it is used for more supreme battles.


  • Cannon beam
    • His most significant weapon as it is almost used every time when he's in his third mode.
    • He is shown to have two cannon beams in "The Old Switcharobot".
  • Super Strength
  • Flight
  • Laser Vision
  • Ear Cannon
    • This is only shown in "The Revenge of Protoboy" when he is about to fight Robotboy. It is never actually used.
  • Meteor-Mash Punch

Number of times Protoboy superactivated per episode:[]

  1. "Brother”: 1
  2. "The Old Switcharobot”: 2  (The second time technically, Robotboy was the one who used Pro's body to superactivate, so that still counts.)
  3. "The Revenge of Protoboy”: 4
  4. "The Return of Robotgirl”: 1


  • Unlike Robotboy, Protoboy can speak in his form.
  • Protoboy has at least 7 different superactivation sequences, one is the regular with him in his normal colors, the second is the same though with a zoom in when he is about to transform, the third is with a gold coloration and different shots of his torso and arm transforming and a big gun appearing from his ear and and the final shot is colored red, the fourth is the third but reuses the zoom in from the second at the start, the fifth is when he superactivates with Robotboy when they prepare to punch each other, the sixth is when Robotboy in his body superactivates, where the shot of his arm is different, the seventh is the same as the sixth but the footage except the end part and leg transformation is slowed down, and the eighth is the third but with without the gun and the red color at the end.
  • This is the oldest known superactive mode.
  • This is the most reoccuring superactivation not to be Robotboy's.

